

Our Authors & Translators

Click on a letter of the alphabet to show a list of people whose last name begins with that letter. Click on the “more” link to see full details.

Phil Baker

Phil Baker has written two books for Dedalus: The Dedalus Book of Absinthe and The Devil is a Gentleman: The...
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Robert Baldick

Robert Baldick was one of Britain's leading French scholars until his untimely death in 1972. Aside from his definitive biography...
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Herman Bang

Herman Bang (1857-1912) was from an aristocratic Danish family. His homosexuality led to a smear campaign against him and his...
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Jonathan Barker

Jonathan Barker runs his own design company Seagulls. He has designed The Decadent Handbook, Pleading Guilty and Mr Dick or...
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Richard Barnett

Richard Barnett is a writer and broadcaster on the cultural history of science and medicine. He studied medicine in London...
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Aubrey Beardsley

Dedalus has used Aubrey Beardsley's illustrations for The Decadent Handbook and J.-K. Huysmans' La-Bas. He also wrote a novel, The...
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Tom Beck

Tom Beck trained as a musician and has specialised in translating books about music and poetry into English from German....
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William Beckford

William Beckford (1760-1844), the son of one of London's richest ever Lord Mayors, squandered his great wealth in the creation...
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Clara Bell

Clara Bell was the first English translator of J.-K. Huysmans' novel The Cathedral. She also translated a number of novels...
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Rudiger Bertram

Rudiger Bertram was born in 1967 and studied history, economics and philology at university in Germany before becoming a freelance...
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Victoria Best

Dr Victoria Best is Lecturer in French at St. John's College, Cambridge.
She specialises in nineteenth and twentieth century French...
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Mbarek Ould Beyrouk

Mbarek Ould Beyrouk (Beyrouk) was born in Atar, Mauritania, in 1957. A journalist, he founded the country's first ever independent...
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Najwa Bin Shatwan

Najwa Bin Shatwan is a Libyan academic and novelist, the first Libyan to ever be shortlisted for the International Prize...
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Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès

Born in 1954, Jean-Marie Blas de Roblès was a lecturer in philosophy at universities in Brazil, China and Italy and,...
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Camillo Boito

Camillo Boito (1836-1914) became Professor of Architecture at the Accademia delle Belle Arti while only 19 before moving to Milan...
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Hieronymus Bosch

Hieronymus Bosch was born Jheronimus (or Jeroen) van Aken (meaning "from Aachen"). He signed a number of his paintings as...
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Eva Bosch

Eva Bosch is a Catalan painter, writer and video maker. She writes on prehistoric art, and has lectured on Picasso...
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Ernest Boyd

Critic, writer, and translator Ernest Augustus Boyd (1887-1946) was born in Dublin, Ireland. While serving in Baltimore with the British...
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Peter Brandes

Peter Brandes is a Danish artist, illustrator and cover designer. He designed the cover of my Fairy-Tale Life for Dedalus.
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Jesus Gaban Bravo

Spanish illustrator and artist who has done a series of striking illustrations for The Adventures of Alfanhui by Rafael Sanchez...
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Andrew Bromfield

One of the founders of the Russian magazine Glas Andrew Bromfield is one of the most important translators of Russian...
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Pascal Bruckner

Pascal Bruckner was born 15 December 1948 in Paris. He is one of the "New Philosophers" who came to prominence...
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Valery Bruisov

Valery Bruisov (1873-1924) was a poet, critic, translator and novelist. He first made his name as a poet and critic...
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Paul Buck

Writer, artist and translator who has translated Alice, the Sausage into English from French with his wife Catherine Petit.
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Yuri Buida

Yuri Buida is one of the foremost contemporary Russian writers. He was born in 1954 and is of mixed Russian,...
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Peter Bush

Peter Bush was born in Spalding in Lincolnshire and read Spanish and Portuguese at Cambridge University. After a career as...
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