

Our Books

The Celestial City

Author: Diego Marani

Translator: Graham Anderson   Cover design: Marie Lane  

A young man plunges into student life, in flight from an overbearing father, in search of an identity of his own making. He is like everyone else in his quest for a future he cannot yet understand. His experiences, often comic, always innocently human, are an exploration of the concept of boundaries. But in choosing to study in Trieste, a city of many-layered histories and ethnicities, a city of brilliant sunshine and ferocious gales, he finds that life, and love, throw him more questions than answers.

It is a tale of Everyman, but more than that: in the hands of Diego Marani, author of the celebrated New Finnish Grammar, this wry and affecting novel leads the reader on a nostalgic and thought-provoking journey made wholly individual by its evocation of place – the celestial city of Trieste.

‘I did not think that one could weep for a city. But at that time I did not know that cities are women, one can fall in love with them and never forget them.’

RRP: £9.99

No. of pages: 207

Publication date: 14.02.2024

Re-print date: 14.02.2024

ISBN numbers:
978 1 915568 229
978 1 915568 53 3

World English