

Our Books

The Madwoman of Serrano

Author: Dina Salústio

Translator: Jethro Soutar   Cover design: Marie Lane  

The first novel by a female author to be published in Cape Verde, and the first to be translated into English, The Madwoman of Serrano is a magical tale of rural ideals and urban ambition, underpinned by an exploration of female empowerment. It was shortlisted for The Oxford-Weidenfeld Translation Prize 2020.

Serrano is an isolated village where a madwoman roams. But is she really mad or is she marginalised because she is wise and a woman? Could her babbling be prophecy? One day a girl falls from the sky and is found in the forest by Jeronimo. The villagers are suspicious of the newcomer, but Jeronimo falls in love with her. When she gives birth and disappears, Jeronimo takes care of the child, naming her Filipa. Years later, estranged from Jeronimo after being taken from the village in mysterious circumstances, Filipa is a successful businesswoman in the city. Her memories of growing up in Serrano and her friendship with the madwoman become increasingly vivid.

When the madwoman's warnings come true and Serrano's sheltered existence is threatened by plans to build a dam, Jeronimo heads for the city himself. Will he and Filipa finally be reunited?

RRP: £11.99

No. of pages: 224

Publication date: 05.09.2019

Re-print date: 22.05.2024

ISBN numbers:
978 1 910213 98 8
978 1 912868 31 5

World English